CMedia CM8828

CMedia CM8828 Chipset

The Oxygen Express™ HD CM8828 is a high quality PCI express multi-channel audio processor that not only an Intel HD Audio specification compatible audio single chip, but also can be a controller which can link HDA codec.

  • Compatible with PCI Express 1.1 interface with bus mastering and burst modes
  • Embedded an 8051 -based MCU to transcode HD     Audio commands(An external 4 or 8KB serial EEPROM is required Build in HD Audio controller.
  • Audio format supports
  • 192K/176.4K/96K/88.2K/48K/44.1K and 16/24bits resolution
  • integrated 192K/176.4K/96K/88.2K/48K/44.1K, and 16/24-bit S/PDIF transmitter/Receiver
  • Supports SPI/I2C control interface
  • 24.576MHz crystal input required with embedded PLL for adaptive clock rate