
Established in 2018, DrunkDeer embarked on a mission to redefine the mechanical keyboard domain. Their unwavering pursuit of innovation culminated in a milestone achievement in December 2022—the successful development of adjustable magnetic switches, heralding a new era of large-scale production. These switches are engineered with competitive gamers in mind, offering unparalleled precision and rapid response.

Based in the New Territories of Hong Kong, DrunkDeer Limited benefits from a decade-long partnership with a distinguished keyboard manufacturer. This collaboration empowers DrunkDeer to directly provide high-quality keyboards to enthusiasts and professionals across the globe.

DrunkDeer's keyboards transcend the realm of mere peripherals; they are the instruments that hold the potential to unlock greatness. Whether you're a dedicated professional seeking an edge or an enthusiast aiming to redefine your gaming experience, DrunkDeer's keyboards are thoughtfully designed with your success in mind.