Realtek RTL8111 LAN Driver (RTL81xx) Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7

We have the drivers for the Realtek RTL8111 Network chipset for download below, this driver covers many of the chip variations that are in the RTL81xx series. Depending on what your device is this chip could be built-into a PCI Express removable network card or it could be integrated into your device’s motherboard PCI Express Bus. Most modern versions of Windows will have some form of generic drivers built-in and may install the device without need for any further installation requirements. The drivers below can be installed on Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 for both x64 (64-bit) and x86 (32-bit) operating systems.

Drivers for the Realtek RTL8111 are contain inside a .zip archive this can be download using the links we have and should be saved to a location that can be easily accessed.  This archive for example can be extracted using Windows built-in extract option (Right click extract) Inside the extracted folder there will be a setup.exe file, run this as an administrator and the process of installing the drivers is very quick and automated. You will be given the chance to restart your computer at the end of installation (fig.1).

(fig.1) At the end of driver installation you will be give a choice to restart Windows.



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