ASIO is abbreviation for Audio Stream Input/Output, which is a sound card driver for computers. These drivers can give high fidelity interface with low latency in between the sound card and the software application. Hence, when you upgrade to the latest operating system in the computer or you have a brand new computer that has Windows 8 preloaded, it is important to add ASIO drivers to the available Windows 8 drivers. This will be useful for the peripheral audio equipments connected to the Windows 8 computers.
The company that manufactures ASIO drivers is called ESI Audiotechnik GmbH, which has a download link for users on their website. The website hosts a number of driver downloads and they produce and issue drivers for audio products that work with ASIO. These drivers are available for download for the customers, for which they do not have to pay. When you have the ASIO drivers installed in the computer, you would have a better audio experience.
Follow these instructions in order to download and install ASIO drivers
- Launch the internet web browser that you usually use and move to the ESI Audio Download page.
- You need to choose the Type Of Audio Product from the drop down menu under Product Group on the download page.
- Now click on the Select Product, from the drop down menu, click on the name of the audio product that you are planning to download.
- Next you need to select the operating system, which would be Windows 8, since these instructions are for the same. You need to choose between Windows 8- 64 bit and Windows 8- 32 bit.
- You would also notice a list of other Windows 8 drivers, which can be downloaded and installed in the computer.
- In order to download the Zip file, click on the File option. First, Save this file to the desktop.
- Unzip the contents of the folder. Open the folder and find the setup file, double click on the same.
- You will be go through a couple of on-screen instructions during the installation process.
- When the installation is completed, you might have to Restart the computer.
- You can manually restart the computer, or you might notice a prompt on the computer screen asking you to restart.
Hence with the above steps you will not have an issue with the audio driver. Follow the same instructions in case you have any drivers missing from the computer.