Freescale Virtual Com Port Driver

The Freescale Virtual COM Port Driver is a software driver used to create a virtual serial (COM) port on a computer, typically in a Windows environment. This driver is primarily used with Freescale (now NXP) microcontrollers and development boards that communicate with a PC via USB.

The purpose of the driver is to enable the USB interface on these devices to emulate a traditional serial port, allowing software that expects to communicate over a serial port (such as terminal programs or custom applications) to interface with the device as if it were connected through a standard RS-232 serial port.

Key features of the Freescale Virtual COM Port Driver include:

  • USB-to-Serial Conversion: Converts USB signals from the microcontroller into standard serial (RS-232) data, making it accessible via a COM port on the computer.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works with various Windows operating systems, and similar drivers may be available for other operating systems depending on the device.
  • Ease of Integration: Simplifies communication with Freescale/NXP microcontrollers in development and debugging processes by providing a familiar COM port interface.

This driver is especially useful in embedded systems development, where developers need to communicate with and debug microcontrollers over USB while using legacy software or tools that require a serial connection.
