BenQ Corporation is a Taiwan-based industry leader in digital lifestyle devices. It has expertise in the 3Cs (computing, communications, and consumer electronics.)
The name reflects their corporate motto or vision: Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to life.
The company was established in 1984, but was formerly known as Acer CM (Communications and Multimedia) before it was re-branded in December 2001.
BenQ manufactures technology products, including communication and personal computer related products. Its principal products include TFT LCD monitors, plasma TVs, scanners and printers, digital cameras, projectors, CD/DVD rewriters, laptops, computer keyboards and mice, digital audio players, and mobile phones.
The head office is located in Taoyuan, Taiwan. It mainly operates in North and Latin America, Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, China, South Asia, East Asia, SouthEast Asia and Australia.
Effective October 1, 2005, BenQ acquired the mobile devices division of Germany's Siemens AG, becoming the 6th largest company in the mobile phone industry by accumulated market share. The acquisition results in a new business group, BenQ Mobile, of BenQ Corporation entirely dedicated to wireless communications.
BenQ Corporation is part of the BenQ Group, which also includes AU Optronics.