This troubleshooting guide for Code 28 errors in Device Manager with hopefully clear up this issues.
There are several reasons that error 28 may be displayed, but it will always be because the driver associated with the device is either not installed or has been mis-configured.

The error 28 seen only in the properties of a device in the Device Manager will mainly show in Sound devices, USB devices in Windows 10 being that they are the most common to not have generic drivers included with Windows. However it can come up for any device in Windows including version going all the way back to Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Fixing code 28
- Next, I would recommend undoing any changes that may have happen to the computer right before error 28 was displayed. Many times, when the Windows Registry get some junk in it this can make device drivers fail. On of the ways you can rewind the changes that might have been made is to use System Restore (or Restore ad it is now known on Windows 10) to take the computers configuration back to an early time.
- Update the device drivers, this will usually end all the problems. Remember never download any third-party driver update tools, these are dangerous, contain malware and are potentially back-doors to your computer.
- Make sure that all the latest updates are installed for Windows, this includes Service pack, hotfixes and System specific updates.
If after all these steps the device is still failing, it can be cheaper to get it replaced these days than waste time fixing.