LGA 1150, also known as Socket H3, is a microprocessor socket used by Intel's central processing units (CPUs) built on the Haswell microarchitecture. This socket is also used by the Haswell's successor, Broadwell microarchitecture.
LGA 1150 is designed as a replacement for the LGA 1155 socket, which is also known as Socket H2. The LGA 1150 socket has 1150 protruding pins that make contact with the pads on the bottom side of the processor. Cooling systems for LGA 1155 and LGA 1156 sockets are forward compatible with LGA 1150, due to them all sharing the same distance of 75 mm between each screw hole. Most motherboards with the LGA 1150 socket support varying video outputs (VGA, DVI or HDMI – depending on the model) and Intel Clear Video Technology.
Intel's Platform Controller Hub (PCH) for the LGA 1150 CPUs is codenamed Lynx Point. Intel Xeon processors for socket LGA 1150 use the Intel C222, C224, and C226 chipsets.